Blog Posts / Press
Want to build instant credibility for your business? Here's how:
Thrive and Medium Media Placements
@medium, @thrive
Want an Interview posted to Medium or Thrive? Select this service, and with our valuable connections, Medium or Thrive will reach out to you with interview questions and a story line. After, a member of the Public Relations team sends questions via email, answer them, receive 2 rounds of editing, and have it posted within weeks of purchase.

Forbes Integration
Media Placements
Want an Interview posted to Forbes? Select this service, and with our valuable connections, Forbes will reach out to you with interview questions and a story line. After, a member of the Public Relations team sends questions via email, answer them, receive 2 rounds of editing, and have it posted within 12 weeks of purchase. Whenever you are speaking or meeting with a client, have them pull up your article on Forbes.