We want all of our customers to have a profound, online brand presence. To accomplish this goal, the social media audit is a 30-minute meeting with a social media consultant to assess your social media. We will discuss your goals and how to improve your social media.
Budget - Effectiveness.
If you're on a tight budget, this is the perfect option for you. Without having to commit to any long-term plans, we can go over your needs in a concise period of time at an extremely reasonable price.
By signing up for the social media audit, you will have the opportunity to be introduced into the realm of social media marketing. If MaxMedia has impressed you, there will always be an option to purchase our other products. We can assign a specific, comprehensive social media consultant to your efforts.
Initial Step

Social Media Audit
To help guide you in your social media marketing efforts, we offer a social media audit where we will vacillate upon your current presence and advise you on strategies that would be beneficial for your priorities.

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible."